Introducing Local Menu

Create your own cross-platform and localized menu with Local Menu!

Localization Assistant

Local Menu will automatically change the fonts of all text objects to a font that supports the active locale during runtime.

Loading Screen

Use one of the preset animated loading screens, or simply create your own.

Customizable Settings

Local Menu comes with a settings system that enables you to easily create modern game settings while giving the player the ability to revert changes. Keybind settings are supported.

Cross-Platform Support

A menu built with Local Menu will work on any device with its automatic keyboard & controller input support.

Codeless Animation (Animatables)

Use the codeless animation system to animate all of your UI objects however you'd like!

Event-Based Design

To reduce the amount of code you may need to write even further, Local Menu features inspector events you can use to execute specific actions.

Four Complete Presets

Learn from or customize any of the 4 preset menu designs to create your own unique version!

Preset List:

  1. Blank Default (any RP)

  2. Modern Minimal (URP only)

  3. Colorful Anime (URP only)

  4. Dark Pixel (URP only)

More presets will be releasing in the future.

Styles (Beta)

Want to test a certain style on a large number of UI objects? Try the styles feature!


Blur only works in URP at this time, and it is not recommended for mobile platforms.

Looking for a way to add a blur to your UI? Local Menu supports blurring background objects (including UI objects).

Want to use Local Menu in your own project? Find out how to get started in the next page

Last updated