Animation Data
All animations use the same animation data with some supported animation type list variations.
Anim Type
The type of animation. The drop-down list will differ depending on the supported animations for the animatable.
Animation Curve
An animation curve (interpolator) of the animation.
Use Scale
If the scale should be used instead of the width and height of a RectTransform (resize animations only).
A list of vectors (for vector-related animations only). The animation will use this list to interpolate the position, rotation, or size at the current point in time.
A list of colors. The animation will use this to interpolate the color at the current point in time.
A floating point variable for animations that only require a single number (fade, alter fill amount, and animating floats in general). This is the starting point of the float that will be interpolated at the current point in time.
A floating point variable for animations that only require a single number (fade, alter fill amount, and animating floats in general). This is the end point of the float that will be interpolated at the current point in time.
The length of the animation.
Start Delay
The start delay will delay an animation once it's registered. This is not the same as loop delay.
If this property is checked, the animation will be looped and another property will appear in the inspector which is called loop delay.
Loop Delay
The delay before an animation is looped.
If this property is checked, the animation will run in reverse.
Calculate Initial Immediately
If this property is checked, the value of the first frame of the animation will be calculated immediately without waiting for the start delay.
On Start
A list of events that will be executed at the start of the animation.
On Update
Use with caution. This can cause performance issues.
A list of events that will be executed each time the animation is updated.
On Complete
A list of events that will be executed when an animation has completed.
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