Introducing ESave

Your ultimate, cost-free solution for seamless saving and loading in your game development projects. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this tool empowers you to effortlessly manage game data with ease.

Save Any Data Type

ESave can save and load any serializable data type. With just a single line of code, you can save and retrieve your game data. Here's a simple example demonstrating how easy it is to save and load a float value:


saveFile.AddOrUpdateData("some float", floatValue);


float f = saveFile.GetData<float>("some float");

However, most Unity types are not savable. ESave offers special workarounds for this.

Save Unity Types

If you've tried saving Unity data types into a file, you've probably learned the hard way that they cannot be saved. ESave offers workarounds for some of the main data types that developers would need to work with. Here's an example of saving and loading the player's position:


saveFile.AddOrUpdateData("PlayerPosition", playerTransform.position);


playerTransform.position = saveFile.GetVector3("PlayerPosition");


Utilize the AES algorithm to encrypt every save (or just the ones you choose)!

Background or Main Thread

Freely choose which save files should run in the background and which should run on the main thread with the "Background Task" checkbox!

Infinite Saves

Ever wondered how modern games support infinite save states? ESave supports any number of saves, even allowing the player to create new saves during runtime with its file-based structure.

Setting this up for your own Unity game has become as easy as ever!

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