Default Dialogue Window
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The default way of handling the dialogue display with QT. This component is singleton. There should only be one of it at all times.
Scroll Rect: The dialogue box's scroll rect.
Dialogue Options Parent: The parent transform of the dialogue options section.
Dialogue Box: The dialogue box transform.
Dialogue Text Mesh: The TMP object that will display the dialogue.
Name Text Mesh: The TMP object that will display the speaker's name.
Choice Prefab: The default choice button prefab.
Choices Parent: The parent transform of the choice buttons.
Time Slider: A slider that will display the time remaining for limited-time choices.
Display Behaviour: How the dialogue is displayed.
Immediate: The entire dialogue should be displayed immediately.
Type Writer: Each character should be displayed one by one. The speed will depend on the character delay value.
Character Delay: The delay of each character for the type writer display behaviour.
After Choice Delay: The delay that occurs after a choice is made. This helps the user see which choice was made in general, but it's really meant for automatic timeout choices, since they are the only choices that the player doesn't make themselves.
Hide Accepted Quests: If accepted quests should be hidden during the initial dialogue selection when you interact with an NPC.
Enable Dialogue Fast Forward: If the player should be able to fast forward dialogue with the interact button.
Display Choices Immediately: If the choices should be displayed without pressing the interact button in the case where the current node is a dialogue node and the next node is a choices node.