
A merchant that crafts items.

Craftsmen give the player the ability to craft items. You can create a craftsman instance from Assets > Create > Inventool > Merchants > Craftsman.

Craft Targets

From the inspector, you can set what items this craftsman can craft.

Craft Target: Everything

If set to everything, this craftsman will be able to craft any item as long as the materials are provided by the player.

Craft Target: Specific Item Types

If set to specific item types, this craftsman will be able to craft items that are of the item types added to the supported item types list. If the item type is a parent, the craftsman will be able to craft item types of all of its children (subtypes).

Craft Target: Specific Items

If set to specific items, the craftsman will only be able to craft the specific items listed. You can add an item by searching for the scriptable object in the 'Add Item' field. You can remove items by clicking on them and then click 'Remove'.

Scripting Side


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